The purpose of these general conditions is to govern the contractual relations between a principal and a “Transport and / or logistics operator”, hereinafter referred to as the OTL, in respect of any commitment or operation whatsoever in link with the physical movement, by any mode of transport, and / or the physical or legal management of stocks and flows of any goods, packaged or not, from any origin and for any destination and / or in connection with the management of any flow materialized or dematerialized information.
The definitions of terms and concepts used in these general conditions are those of the standard contracts in force.
These general conditions prevail over any other general or specific conditions issued by the principal.
In the event of special conditions agreed with the principal and in the silence of the latter, the general conditions continue to apply.
The principal or any substitute agent acknowledges having read, prior to the acceptance of this quotation, the General Conditions of Sale available on our site http://www.centrimex.com/cgv.html and have expressly accepted them.
These General Conditions of Sale, including the jurisdiction clause, are an integral part of the contractual relationship.


2.1 – Prices shall be calculated on the basis of the information provided by the payer, taking into account in particular the services to be performed, the nature, weight and volume of the goods to be carried and the routes to be taken.
Quotes are based on the exchange rate at the time of the quotation. They are also dependent on the fluctuations of the conditions, the variable overloads and valid at the time of the shipping called VATOS (e.g. BAF, CAF etc.) and tariffs of the substitutes as well as the laws, regulations and international conventions in force. If one or more of these basic elements were modified after the quotation was submitted, including by the O.T.L.’s substitutes, in a manner that was opposable to the latter, and on the evidence reported by the latter, the prices given in the first place would be changed without notice. The same would apply in the event of any unforeseen event, including a change in one of the elements of the benefit.
2.2 – The prices do not include the duties, taxes, fees and taxes due in application of any regulations, particularly fiscal or customs.
2.3 – Extra fees are to be expected and due in the event of cancellation after acceptance of the quotation for any reason whatsoever, the amounts will be automatically invoiced to the Principal.
2.4 – The prices initially agreed are renegotiated at least once a year.
2.5 – Storage prices are deemed firm and accepted at quotation.
Unless specific commercial provisions have been agreed in advance, storage costs for goods will run from fifteen days for goods classified as dangerous, and from thirty days for all other types of goods stored in the OTL’s warehouses.
2.6 – All claims relating to invoices issued by OTL must be sent in writing to OTL within 15 days of the date of issue.
After this period, no complaint may be taken into account or give rise to any action whatsoever.


No insurance is taken out by IO.T.L. without a written and repeated order from the principal for each shipment, specifying the risks to be covered and the values to be guaranteed.
If such an order is given, the O.T.L., acting on behalf of the ordering party, takes out insurance with an insurance company known to be solvent at the time of the cover. In the absence of a precise specification, only ordinary risks (excluding war and strike risks) will be insured.
Acting in this specific case as an agent, the O.T.L. can not be considered under any circumstances as an insurer. The conditions of the insurance policy are deemed to be known and approved by the senders and recipients who bear the cost. A certificate of insurance will be issued, if requested.


The dates of departure and arrival possibly communicated by the O.T.L. are given for information only. The principal is required to give the necessary and precise instructions to the O.T.L in good time. for the performance of transport services and ancillary services and / or logistics services.
The O.T.L. does not have to check the documents (commercial invoice, packing note, etc.) provided by the principal.
All specific delivery instructions (cash on delivery, declaration of value or insurance, special interest in delivery, etc.) must be the subject of a written order repeated for each shipment and the express acceptance of the O.T.L.


5.1 – Packaging and labeling:
5.1.1 – Packaging:
The goods must be conditioned, wrapped, marked or countermarked, so as to withstand transport and / or storage operation carried out under normal conditions, as well as the successive handling operations which necessarily occur during the course of these operations.
It must not constitute a cause of danger to driving or handling personnel, the environment, the safety of transport vehicles, other goods transported or stored, vehicles or third parties.
The principal is solely responsible for the choice of packaging and its ability to withstand transport and handling.
5.1.2 – Labeling:
On each package, object or load carrier, clear labeling must be carried out to allow immediate and unequivocal identification of the sender, recipient, place of delivery and the nature of the goods. The information on the labels must correspond to those appearing on the transport document. Labeling must also comply with all applicable regulations, in particular those relating to dangerous products.
5.1.3 – Responsibility:
The principal is responsible for all the consequences of an absence, insufficiency or defect in the packaging, packaging, marking or labeling.
5.2 – Sealing:
Trucks, semi-trailers, swap bodies and containers, which are complete once loading operations have been completed, are sealed by the loader himself or by his representative.
5.3 – Reporting obligations:
The principal is liable for all the consequences of a failure to comply with the obligation to inform and declare on the very exact nature and specificity of the goods when the latter requires special provisions, particularly in view of their value. and / or the greed that it is likely to arouse, its dangerousness or its fragility. This information obligation also applies to the declaration of the verified gross mass of a container in accordance with the SOLAS Convention. Furthermore, the client expressly agrees not to hand over to the O.T.L. illicit or prohibited goods (eg counterfeit products, narcotics, etc.).
The principal bears alone, without recourse against the OTL, the consequences, whatever they may be, resulting from declarations or documents which are erroneous, incomplete, inapplicable, or provided late, including the information necessary for the transmission of any declaration required by customs regulations, in particular for the transport of goods from third countries.
5.4 – Reservations:
In the event of loss, damage or any other damage suffered by the goods, or in the event of delay, it is up to the recipient or the recipient to make regular and sufficient observations, to make justified reservations and in general to carry out all the acts useful for the conservation of the appeals and to confirm the aforementioned reservations in the forms and the legal deadlines, failing which no action can be brought against the OTL or its substitutes.
Any claim for loss, damage or injury to goods must be relayed to OTL within 7 days of its discovery. After this period, no claim may be taken into account or give rise to any action whatsoever.
5.5 – Refusal or default by the recipient:
In the event of refusal of the goods by the recipient, as in the event of failure of the latter for any reason whatsoever, all the initial and additional costs due and incurred on behalf of the goods, and in particular the costs of storage and demurrage of containers, will remain the responsibility of the Client.
The refusal or failure, on the part of the consignee or the party notified of the arrival of the goods, to take delivery and / or in the event of damage to limit the losses by taking all the necessary measures so that the damage and damage existing conditions are aggravated, constitutes a waiver of recourse on the part of the recipient and the party notified of the arrival of the goods against the OTL for all claims or legal action related to the goods, and / or the transport service.
5.6 – Customs formalities:
If customs operations have to be carried out, the principal guarantees the customs representative against all financial consequences resulting from incorrect instructions, unenforceable documents, etc. generally resulting in the liquidation of additional duties and / or taxes, blockage or seizure of goods, fines, etc. of the administration concerned.
In the event of customs clearance of goods for the benefit of a preferential regime concluded or granted by the European Union, the principal guarantees to have carried out all due diligence within the meaning of customs regulations aimed at ensuring that all the conditions for processing of the preferential regime have been complied with.
The principal must, at the request of the O.T.L., provide the latter, within the required period, with any information requested from him under the requirements of customs regulations. Failure to provide this information within this period has the effect of making the principal liable for all the detrimental consequences of this failure in terms of delays, additional costs, damage, etc.
However, since the rules of quality and / or technical standardization of goods are the sole responsibility of the principal, it is up to him to provide the O.T.L. all documents (tests, certificates, etc.) required by regulations for their circulation. The O.T.L. incurs no liability for the non-compliance of the goods with said quality rules or technical standardization.
The customs representative clears under the mode of direct representation, in accordance with Article 18 of the Union Customs Code.
5.7 – COD delivery:
The stipulation of a cash on delivery delivery does not constitute a declaration of value and therefore does not modify the compensation rules for loss and damage as defined in article 6 below.


The responsibility of the transport organizer will be limited in the first place to the sole repair of proven damage and only for material damage foreseen and foreseeable on the day of issue of the contract, in accordance with the provisions of articles 1231- 3 and 1231-4 of the Civil Code.
6.1 – Liability for substitutes:
The responsibility of the O.T.L. for loss or damage to the goods entrusted is limited to that incurred legally by its Substitutes within the framework of the operation entrusted to it, as it results from the mandatory legal or regulatory provisions.
When the compensation limits for intermediaries or substitutes are not known or do not result from mandatory or legal provisions, the responsibility of the O.T.L. due to its substitutes is limited to an amount equivalent to 14 euros per kilogram of gross weight of missing or damaged goods, without being able to exceed a sum greater than 2,500 euros.
6.2 – Exclusion of the liability of the O.T.L. for personal fault:
6.2.1 – Losses and damage:
In the event of loss or damage to the goods during transport, the Principal expressly waives any recourse against the O.T.L. for any personal faults of the O.T.L. except intentional or inexcusable fault. By inexcusable fault, we mean any act or omission recklessly committed with the knowledge that harm would probably result.
If, however, the personal fault of the O.T.L. is liable to be incurred, it will be limited to 14 euros per kilogram of gross weight of missing or damaged goods, without being able to exceed a sum greater than the gross weight of the goods expressed in tonnes multiplied by 2,300 euros, with a maximum ceiling of 15,000 euros per shipment.
6.2.2 – Delays:
In the event of a delay in delivery which would engage the personal responsibility of the O.T.L., the compensation due will be limited to the price of the service (duties, taxes and miscellaneous costs excluded), without being able to exceed the sum of 2,500 euros.
6.2.3 – Indirect damage and commercial damage:
Except in the event of delay, regardless of the basis on which the responsibility of the O.T.L. is sought, no compensation can be obtained because of loss or immaterial and / or commercial damage, direct or indirect and more generally all damages.
6.3 – Declaration of value:
The value of the goods appearing on CENTRE IMEX documents, depends strictly and exclusively on the information provided by the customer or his suppliers. The latter appears on the documents of the O.T.L. only for information and non-contractual, without commitment or financial contribution and does not prejudice the rights and limitations of responsibilities stipulated in these general conditions of sale.

The principal always has the option of subscribing to a declaration of value which, fixed by him and accepted in writing by the O.T.L., has the effect of substituting the amount of this declaration for the compensation ceilings indicated above. This declaration of value will result in an additional price.
The principal may also instruct the O.T.L. to take out insurance on its behalf, upon payment of the corresponding premium, specifying the risks to be covered and the values to be guaranteed. Such requests must be confirmed in writing by the O.T.L.
The instructions (declaration of value or insurance) must be renewed for each transaction.
6.4 – Special interest in delivery:
The principal always has the option of making a declaration of special interest in the delivery which, fixed by him and subject to written acceptance by the OTL, has the effect of substituting the amount of this declaration for the ceilings of compensation indicated above. This declaration will result in an additional price. The instructions must be renewed by the Principal and accepted in writing by the O.T.L. for each operation.
6.5 – Responsibility in customs matters:
The responsibility of the O.T.L. for any customs operation or indirect contribution whether carried out by itself or by those of its subcontractors may not exceed the sum of € 5,000 per customs declaration, without being able to exceed € 50,000 per year of adjustment and , in any event, 100,000 € per notification of adjustment.
6.6 – Quotation:
All quotations given, all ad hoc price offers provided, as well as general prices are established and / or published taking into account the limitations of liability set out above.


If, by order of any duly authorized authority, classification society or any other stakeholder, a container, package or other container is opened for inspection of the Goods, the O.T.L. or its servants, shall not be liable for any loss or damage incurred as a result of opening, unpacking, inspecting or repacking, or any other expense related to the inspection operation. The O.T.L. will nevertheless be able to recover the full cost of these operations from the client.
Under no circumstances will the O.T.L. be liable for any losses, additional costs, damages or delays that may result from actions taken under this Article.


If, at any time during the operation entrusted to the O.T.L., the transport is affected, or is likely to be affected by any obstacle, danger, delay, immobilization, due to an epidemic or a threat of epidemic, quarantine, blockade, blockade, wars, unrest, riots, strikes, temporary strikes, arrests or obstructions to work for any cause whatsoever, boycotts, or any difficulty or impediment of any kind, and whether it be the cause (even if these obstacles, peril, delay, difficulty or impediment already existed at the time of the conclusion of the contract or at the time of the assumption by the O.T.L. or its servants), the O.T.L. or its servants cannot be held liable for the costs, additional costs, losses or damage inherent in the above situations.
The O.T.L. may nevertheless recover the full cost of these events from the client.


9.1 – Invoices issued by the O.T.L. are payable in cash upon receipt of the invoice, without discount, instead of the issue thereof, and in any event, within a period which may not exceed 30 days from the date of issue. The ordering party is always responsible for their acquittal. In accordance with article 1344 of the Civil Code, the debtor is deemed to have been put in default to pay by the sole exigibility of the obligation.
9.2 – Unilateral compensation for the amount of the alleged damages on the price of the services due is prohibited.
9.3 – The payment of extra billings and/or cancellation fees is an integral part of the Principal payment obligations.
9.4 – Any delay in payment automatically entails, the day following the payment date appearing on the invoice and until the date of receipt of full payment, the liability of late penalties; the applicable rate is 1.5% monthly and set in accordance with the terms defined in article L.441-6 paragraph 12 of the French Commercial Code, as well as a lump sum compensation for recovery costs in the amount of € 40 in accordance with article D.441-5 of the French Commercial Code, without prejudice to possible compensation, under the conditions of ordinary law, for any other damage resulting directly from this delay. This interest on arrears is due until the debt is extinguished. Any delay in payment will result, without formalities, forfeiture of the term of any other debt held by the O.T.L. which becomes immediately payable even in the event of acceptance of bills.
9.5 – Any partial payment will be charged first to the non-privileged part of the debt.


Regardless of the capacity in which the T.L.O. is acting, the Instructing Party hereby acknowledges the T.L.O.’s conventional right of retention, enforceable against all parties, and a conventional contractual possessory lien over all goods, values and documents in the T.L.O.’s possession , in order to guarantee any debt (invoices, interests, incurred expenses, etc.) the T.L.O. holds against the Instructing Party, including those prior to, or other than those concerning operations related to the goods, values and documents that the T.L.O. effectively holds.


All actions against the O.T.L. to which the contract concluded between the parties may give rise, whether for the main or ancillary services, are prescribed within a period of one year.
This period runs from the performance of the disputed or ancillary service and, in the case of duties and taxes recovered a posteriori, from the notification of the adjustment.
However, any action by O.T.L. against its contractors will be subject to the limitation period applicable to the place of residence of the latter, without this being however less than one year.


12.1 – In the event of an established commercial relationship, each party may terminate it at any time, by sending a registered letter with acknowledgment of receipt, subject to the following notice periods:

  • One (1) month when the duration of the relationship is less than or equal to six (6) months;
  • Two (2) months when the duration of the relationship is greater than six (6) months and less than or equal to one (1) year;
  • Three (3) months when the duration of the relationship is greater than one (1) year and less than or equal to three (3) years;
  • Four (4) months when the duration of the relationship is greater than three (3) years, to which is added one (1) week per full year of commercial relations, without being able to exceed a maximum duration of six (6) months.

12.2 – During the notice period, the parties undertake to maintain the economy of the contract.
12.3 – In the event of serious or repeated, proven breaches by one of the parties to its commitments and obligations, the other party is required to send it, by registered letter with acknowledgment of receipt, a reasoned formal notice. If this remains ineffective within one month, a period during which the parties may attempt to come together, the contract may be terminated definitively, without notice or compensation, by registered letter with acknowledgment of receipt taking note of failure of the negotiation attempt.


In the event that any of the provisions of these General Terms and Conditions of Sale are declared null or deemed unwritten, all the other provisions will remain applicable.


This contract is governed by the rules of French law.

In the event of a dispute, the commercial court of the registered office is competent even in the event of a plurality of defendants and a guarantee call, unless the O.T.L. prefer to go to court at the head office of the ordering party.


In the frame of the use of its services and in particular the services accessible on its website, its mobile site and its mobile applications, CENTRIMEX, as data processing manager, may collect and process your personal data. .

CENTRIMEX is committed to respecting the rules for protecting the privacy of its customers, prospects and visitors to its website, its mobile site and its mobile applications. All the processing of personal data carried out within the framework of the accessible services complies with the local regulations applicable in terms of personal data protection and in particular the provisions of the law “Informatique et Libertés” of January 6, 1978 as amended and the General Regulations. on Data Protection (EU Regulation 2016/679) or “RGPD”.

CENTRIMEX is responsible for processing your personal data as part of this processing. The respective responsibilities for compliance with the rules on the protection of personal data have been determined by agreement.

In order to ensure the proper application of these rules, CENTRIMEX has appointed a data protection officer who is the privileged relay of the National Commission for Computing and Liberties (CNIL): the company IAD – whose head office is located 152 rue Sainte – 13007 Marseille.

His website: www.iad.fr and his email address: iad@iad.fr

CENTRIMEX also implements the appropriate internal procedures to educate its employees and ensure compliance with these rules within its organization.


CENTRIMEX undertakes to guarantee a high level of protection of the personal data of its customers, prospects, users of its website, its mobile site and its mobile applications and of any other person whose personal data it processes.
CENTRIMEX undertakes to comply with the regulations which apply to all the personal data processing it implements. More particularly, CENTRIMEX undertakes in particular to respect the following principles:

  • Your personal data is processed lawfully, fairly and transparently (lawfulness, loyalty, transparency).
  • Your personal data are collected for specific, explicit and legitimate purposes, and are not subsequently processed in a manner incompatible with these purposes (limitation of purposes).
  • Your personal data are stored in an adequate and relevant manner and are limited to what is necessary for the purposes for which they are processed (data minimization).
  • Your personal data is accurate, kept up to date and all reasonable measures are taken to ensure that inaccurate data, having regard to the purposes for which they are processed, are erased or rectified without delay (accuracy).

CENTRIMEX implements the appropriate technical and organizational measures to guarantee a level of security adapted to the inherent risk of its processing operations, comply with regulatory requirements and protect the rights and data of the people concerned when designing processing operations.
Furthermore, CENTRIMEX contractually imposes the same level of protection of personal data on its subcontractors (service providers, suppliers, etc.).

Finally, CENTRIMEX undertakes to comply with any other principle required with regard to the applicable regulations on the protection of personal data, and more specifically concerning the rights conferred on the persons concerned, the retention periods for personal data as well as the obligations relating to cross-border transfers of personal data.


  • Means of collecting your data

As part of our relationships, you are likely to communicate your personal data to us by various means and in particular on our websites, our sites and mobile applications during your internet browsing, purchases, reservations, by completing the various collection forms, when a subscription to the e-newsletter, when creating a CENTRIMEX account, when you submit an application, when you publish comments on our social network pages, when you establish any contact with CENTRIMEX or when you send us in any other way your personal data.

  • Processing purposes and legal bases

Your data is mainly used for information purposes, the provision of specific services or services: transport provision, entertainment, commercial information, satisfaction surveys, new services and products intended to improve your experience, statistical studies, recruitment, after-service. sale, processing of your requests and / or complaints.
In addition to the cases where your consent has been obtained (in particular to send you personalized offers), the processing of your data for the various purposes mentioned above is notably necessary:

  • To ensure the execution of the commercial contract,
  • To comply with a legal obligation,
  • For the purposes of the legitimate interests pursued by CENTRIMEX (in particular developing new services and offers, improving customer service, etc.).

More specifically, your data is used:

  • To allow you to benefit from all the services or services available on the CENTRIMEX website, its mobile site and its mobile applications: creation of a user account, e-newsletter, management of your requests, complaints, etc.,
  • To enable us to communicate with you via e-mail and/or sms about services, offers and information relevant to you,
  • To allow you to browse our websites,
  • To contact you to update your personal data and to best match our information, notifications, offers and other forms of service to your interests,
  • To be enriched by sharing certain information with privileged commercial partners in order to improve our knowledge of your areas of interest and allow us to send you offers and other forms of personalized services (subject to your prior agreement when is required and to respect your right to object, in accordance with the rules applicable to commercial prospecting),
  • To facilitate the completion of administrative formalities for the prevention of unpaid debts and the fight against fraud, as well as to ensure the security and safety of commercial contracts.

Any incident occurring during the execution of the transport contract and likely to jeopardize safety or security, may be the subject of a computer recording, a complaint filed and result in a ban carried out by CENTRIMEX for a three-year term.


CENTRIMEX undertakes to keep your personal data for a period that does not exceed that necessary for the purposes for which they are processed. In addition, CENTRIMEX keeps your personal data in accordance with the retention periods imposed by the applicable laws in force.
These retention periods are defined according to the processing purposes implemented by CENTRIMEX and in particular take account of the applicable legal provisions imposing a precise retention period for certain categories of data, any limitation periods that apply, as well as the recommendations of the CNIL. concerning certain categories of data processing (for example, Deliberation n ° 2016-264 of July 21, 2016 amending a simplified standard concerning the automated processing of personal data relating to the management of customers and prospects (NS-048 ), article L.232-7 of the internal security code relating to the transmission of passenger data to the French administration, storage of cookies for 13 months as recommended by the CNIL, etc.).


  • Recipients of your data

The data collected on the CENTRIMEX website, its mobile site and its mobile applications may be communicated to authorized CENTRIMEX personnel, to its partners or to its ancillary service providers, as part of the performance of any or part of the services referred to above. We remind you that in this context, CENTRIMEX asks its service providers to set up strict confidentiality and protection measures for this data. Furthermore and in accordance with the laws and regulations applicable in France and at the international level, CENTRIMEX may be required to provide personal information to authorized French or foreign public authorities (customs, immigration, police, etc.). This is the case, for example, when completing compulsory immigration formalities or for the purposes of preventing and combating terrorism or other serious crimes.

  • Data transfers outside the European Union

Some of the recipients mentioned above may be established outside the European Union and have access to all or part of the personal information collected by CENTRIMEX (name, first name, identification data, etc.), and this, for the good purposes of executing the commercial contract or because of a specific legal authorization.

In this context, CENTRIMEX undertakes to guarantee the protection of your data in accordance with the strictest rules, in particular through the signing, on a case-by-case basis, of contractual clauses based on the model of the European Commission, or any other mechanism in accordance with the GDPR, as soon as your personal data is processed by a service provider outside the European Economic Area and whose country is not considered by the European Commission as ensuring an adequate level of protection.


In accordance with the applicable regulations on the protection of personal data, you can, at any time, exercise your rights of access, rectification, deletion of data concerning you as well as your rights of limitation and opposition to the processing and the portability of your personal data.

In addition, you have the legal right to define directives relating to the fate of your personal data post mortem.

In addition, any minor at the time of collecting their personal data can obtain its erasure as soon as possible.

These rights are exercised by mail to the following address:

Data Protection Officer
(Mention the full postal address of the head office as well as the email address dpo@centrimex.com)

In this context, we ask you to accompany your request with the elements necessary for your identification (name, first name, e-mail) as well as any other information necessary to confirm your identity.

You also have a right of appeal to the National Commission for Computing and Freedoms in the event of a violation of the applicable regulations on the protection of Personal Data and in particular the GDPR.

As part of our newsletters, you have the opportunity to exercise your rights, withdraw your consent, or address any questions or complaints, by contacting CENTRIMEX at the address mentioned above.

CENTRIMEX guarantees you the exercise of your rights, and provides you with answers to all your questions or complaints.

When you are in contact with our customer service, your call may be recorded for the purposes of improving quality of service, preventing disputes and preventing malicious calls. If you do not wish to be registered, report it directly to the advisor.

You also have a right to object to the processing of your personal data for commercial prospecting purposes. When required by law, your data will only be used for prospecting purposes electronically after having obtained your explicit consent.

In addition, if you no longer wish to receive the CENTRIMEX electronic newsletter by e-mail, you can click on the unsubscribe link located at the bottom of each communication.

The collection of certain personal data is essential to allow access to certain services or benefits (give details if necessary). You can naturally exercise your right to object to the collection and processing of this data, but this approach may make it impossible to benefit from these services or benefits.

In accordance with French and international laws and regulations, the lack of communication or the inaccuracy of certain data may lead to a decision to refuse processing of a commercial contract, without the responsibility of CENTRIMEX being able to be engaged.


CENTRIMEX strives to continuously improve its electronic services in order to facilitate access to their customers, potential customers and visitors. The CENTRIMEX website (or its mobile site), for example, provides you with permanent access (24 hours a day) to the information and services provided by CENTRIMEX.

In order to facilitate the creation and your connections to your CENTRIMEX account, you have the possibility to link your CENTRIMEX account with most social networks. By agreeing to share certain personal data, listed on the link and authorization screen specific to each social network, you will be able to benefit from optimized navigation on the CENTRIMEX site. You can at any time, if you wish, unlink your CENTRIMEX account from your social account.


In order to constantly improve the quality of the services offered on the site and their suitability with your expectations, CENTRIMEX may use “cookies”, text files serving to identify your terminal when you connect to one of our services.
The deposit of cookies or tracers on your terminal (computer, tablet, smartphone, etc.) allows CENTRIMEX to collect information and personal data. Depending on how you configure your terminal, cookies allow in particular:

  • to use the main functions of the CENTRIMEX site,
  • to optimize our website and detect any technical problems,
  • memorize your choices and preferences and customize your user interface,
  • to establish statistics for the purpose of traffic management and use of the various elements making up the CENTRIMEX website (sections visited, route taken by the Internet user) to improve the ergonomics of the site and the interest of offered services,
  • evaluate the effectiveness of our communication campaigns by counting and evaluating the number of clicks,
  • to know the content of the pages you consult, the searches you carry out, the information that you have chosen to share when registering on other sites, the pages and websites that you may have consulted,
  • to share information on social networks.

Depending on the configuration choices regarding the use of cookies, some tracers may be issued or read by third parties (advertising providers, communication agencies, etc.) when you browse the CENTRIMEX site.

At any time, you are able to adjust your settings relating to cookies. For more information on the use of cookies by CENTRIMEX.


Ensuring the security and confidentiality of personal data that you entrust to us is a priority for CENTRIMEX. We thus implement all the technical and organizational measures useful, with regard to the nature, the scope and the context of the personal data that you communicate to us and the risks presented by their processing, to preserve the security of your personal data and, in particular, prevent any destruction, loss, alteration, disclosure, intrusion or unauthorized access to this data, whether accidentally or unlawfully. You can therefore be sure to consult our site in complete confidentiality and safety.

CENTRIMEX also does its utmost to combat identity theft on the Internet.

The security and confidentiality of personal data are based on individual best practices. This is the reason why we invite you not to communicate your passwords to third parties, to systematically log out of your profile and your social account (especially in the case of linked accounts) and to close your browser window. at the end of your work session, particularly if you access the Internet from a computer workstation shared with other people. This will prevent other users from accessing your personal information.

We strongly recommend that you do not distribute to third parties or publish on social networks any document issued by CENTRIMEX containing your personal data.
To find out the best security practices to apply, we invite you, for example, to consult the IT security portal. The general conditions relating to certain services or services accessible from CENTRIMEX’s websites, its mobile site or its mobile applications, are likely to define more precise methods of collecting and using your personal data.

Finally, CENTRIMEX has set up a security breach management procedure to effectively apprehend possible personal data breaches, notify the competent authority without delay of such breaches as well as notify you when this breach is likely to affect to your personal data.


CENTRIMEX does not collect or process personal data relating to children under 16 without the prior consent of the parents or holders of parental responsibility for the child.

If personal data concerning children is collected via the CENTRIMEX website, applications or mobile sites, parents or holders of the exercise of parental authority have the possibility to oppose it by contacting us at the address of our DPO.
In addition, as stated above, the minor child at the time of collection of his personal data can obtain its erasure as soon as possible



On several pages of the CENTRIMEX website you are offered the possibility to click to access other websites of other companies. We advise you to read the policy of these non-CENTRIMEX sites relating to the processing and protection of personal data, as the conditions on these sites may differ from the conditions of CENTRIMEX. CENTRIMEX will in no way be responsible for the processing of personal data by these other websites.


For any further questions regarding this policy or the way in which CENTRIMEX processes your personal data, please contact our data protection officer at the following address: dpo@centrimex.com


CENTRIMEX reserves the right to adapt the personal data protection policy and undertakes to inform you on its website of changes or additions.

This version was produced on October 23, 2019.