The United Nations Global Compact is the word’s largest corporate sustainability initiative. Embracing the principles and values of the united nations and anchored in the united nations system, it is uniquely positioned to foster collaboration to propose and develop solutions that address global challenges. Nowadays, the Global Compact plays a key roles in strengthening collaboration between business and the United Nations. Discover the 10 principles that Centrimex is committed to : HERE
In addition to its ethical commitment to promote access to employment for all, Centrimex also supports various humanitarian associations, all of which have in common the positionning of people at the center of their actions.
Each year, Centrimex reaffirms its support to these associations, which we invite you to discover :
Graines de Joie operates in Africa in Burkina Faso, Brazil (in Rio) and Romania. The association aims to provide help and assistance to children in distress. The Graines de Joie actions are part of projects that contribute to improving the quality of life of children on a daily basis and to developing access to education.
C.I.E.L.O is a French international solidarity association created in 1995 which contributes to improving the precarious living conditions of children and families in developing countries, in particular through education and in collaboration with local partners of different kind.
Association which contributes to helping research, by donating the contributions it collects, to the Gustave-Roussy cancer center in Villejuif and to improving the conditions of hospital care for children of Timone in Marseille.
Voir la Vie is responsible for developing eye care in Guinea and West Africa. Several means are put in place : ophtalmic units, optical centers, screening programs, prevention in schools, training of local medical staff…
The AFM-Telethon is an association of parents and patients who fight relentlessly against genetic diseases, rare and severely disabling.
This association aims to help the inhabitants of the Central African Republic to carry out social and economic development projects related, in particular, to education, health, training, equipment, by seeking to strengthen their capacities to improve their living conditions.
Centrimex also supports work centers:
Manufacture and sale of office supplies and cleaning products for the social and professional integration of disabled workers.