The Group’s HR policy is based on three fundamental principles:
the integration of new employees, skills development through training and internal development.
The strength of the Group: its family values and the diversity of its teams!
The Chairman of the Group, Mr. Philippe Haddad, is also convinced that it is fundamental to retain employees,
by guaranteeing a good balance between private and professional life, proximity and listening.
We believe that it is essential to welcome and follow our new employees as soon as they join our teams.
This goes through several stages:
the delivery of a welcome pack on the first day, the establishment of an onboarding path, training in our tools and processes, etc.
HR and managerial monitoring is carried out at various times during the employee’s arrival, in order to guarantee a good start.
In a sector where international administrative and customs regulations are cnstantly evolving, we pay particular attention to the training of our staff.
Indeed, Centrimex is committed to a continuous training process in order to meet the requirements of its customers, to ensure a good quality of service but also to increase the performance and motivation of its teams!
Our wish is to develop our employees as soon as we have the possiblity.
For example, many of the Group’s managers (team leaders, or department managers) come from internal promotion and have climbed the different steps over time.
At CENTRIMEX, equality between women and men is a subject that is close to our hearts and for which we fight every day.
The aim? To ensure equal pay for equal work or work of equal value for women and men: this principle prohibits any discrimination in pay based on gender.
In companies with at least 50 employees, as is the case for CENTRIMEX, the employer must publish a “Gender Equality Index” each year, based on specific indicators, measuring the company’s situation with regard to equal pay for men and women. Depending on the level of this Index, it must implement corrective measures and, if necessary, a plan to catch up on pay.
The objective announced by the Ministry of Labour is “to put an end to wage inequalities between women and men”.
The index is based on a global scale of 100 points according to 4 indicators:
The pay gap,
The individual pay rise gap,
The percentage of female employees who receive a raise after returning from maternity leave,
The number of employees of the under-represented gender in the top 10.
The Centrimex scores for 2022 are as follows:
Pay gap: 39/40
Individual increase rate gap: 15/35
Employees who received an increase on return from maternity leave: 0/15
Gender under-represented in the top 10: 10/10
Once again this year, the Group has achieved a respectable gender equality index score of 75 out of 100, demonstrating Centrimex’s ongoing commitment to combating pay inequalities between men and women. These results reflect the concrete actions taken by Centrimex to promote greater professional equality. For the year 2025, Centrimex will continue its efforts to get closer to the maximum score.