You operate in an environment where security is at the heart of your concerns from your suppliers to your customers or factories around the world and it is normal that you are looking for the best compromise between reasonable price and maximum security.
The Centrimex group’s teams are regularely trained in the handling of hazardous materials and in IMDG (International Maritime Dangerous Goods) regulations.
Consult the classification and separation of hazardous materials table here.
Adapted services
- Â Respect for IMO processesÂ
- Advanced knowledge of documentation Â
- Specific customs approvals for certain (psychotropic) products
- Qualified, certified and regularly trained personnel in the regulation of dangerous goods
- Management in pre and post routing
- An optional Centrimex CargoZen insurance service tailored to your needs.
â–¸ Container control and pre-selection
â–¸ Transmission of documentation ten days before the arrival of the ship to allow you to pick up under hoist
▸ Fridge store with controlled temperature / Multi-temperature storage ( +15° /+25° et  +2° / +8° )
▸ Re-icing on requestÂ

Our customs declarants assist you in all your export and import procedures in order to prepare the file in accordance with customs requirements. They advise you in compliance with the regulations in force.
Competences and know-how are essential skills that we put at your service in order to finalize your project.