Do your goods require complex logistics solutions ?
Do you operate just in time with your customers, suppliers or factories around the world and are you looking for the best compromise between reasonable price and very efficient delivery times ?
Centrimex provides adapted and evolving answers to each of your concerns : Consumer goods, food category, HPC or even textile, we are aware of your challenges and constraints, and know how to adapt to your requests.
Centrimex supports you in making the best possible choices, keeping your interests at heart. Secure complete container, grouping your goods, secure storage on departure or arrival, our teams will be able to adjust the solutions to your challenges.
Adapted services
- Support in the management / planning of supplies in connection with your suppliers
- Buyer’s consolidation on request
- Standard storage
- Control and pre-selection of containers / choice of food quality containers / reefer controlled loads / Container’s status
- Controlled monitoring of connections (cold chain)
- Pallet specific packaging or container insulation kit (aluminium thermal insulation)
- Management of phytosanitary and / or veterinary certificates at the DDPP (Departmental Directorate of Population Protection)
- Respect of deadlines and responsiveness


â–¸ Container control and pre-selection
â–¸ Tracking and monitoring of the condition of containers under controlled temperature
â–¸ Choice of goods grade containers
â–¸ Suivi Controlled monitoring of connections (cold chain) -Reefer

▸ Fridge store with controlled temperature / Multi temperature storage ( +15° /+25° et +2° / +8° )
â–¸ Order picking and packaging possible
â–¸ Re-icing on request (dry ice)
Our customs declarants assist youin all your export and import procedures in order to prepare the file in accordance with customs requirements. They advise you in compliance with the regulations in force.
Competences and kow-how are essential skills that we put at your service in order to finalize your project.