We are dedicating this week of March 8 to the women in our teams, and, like every year, we are honoring 5 of them, on the annual theme of the United Nations.
This year: “Equality today for a sustainable tomorrow“.

Second day of this week dedicated to the women of Centrimex: we present to you Chloé Fabre:
“I am the Manager of the communication and marketing department at Centrimex, which I joined 4 and a half years ago, and this role today encompasses a CSR sensitivity which has been added, through the definition of company’s CSR politic. I am committed to defending the environment on two levels: on a professional level, with Centrimex, and on a personal one with my family life and the example that I want to show my daughter.”
1) Why is it important to take action to tackle climate change ?
_Global warming is no longer a mystery to anyone, and it is a very present notion in our lives today. As the planet continues to warm up, climate patterns are changing. Extreme and unpredictable weather will become more common around the world as climate patterns change, with some places getting hotter, some wetter, and some drier. These changes can have (and already have) drastic impacts on all life on Earth, and require an adaptation of our way of life.
2) What daily actions have you taken to be part of an environmental protection approach?
_ I guarantee the Corporate Social Responsibility approach undertaken by Centrimex and our commitment to the environment and the protection of natural resources. Beyond the preservation of natural resources and recycling, we are also very sensitive to the digital pollution generated by the web and online storage, which is not insignificant, and many actions are implemented on a daily basis internally. .
Apart from the professional field, I am also invested for the environment in my private life, and my partner, who is very involved in this process, offers real moral support, and today, I am proud to see my daughter following the example, and talking about itto her friends, at the park.
3) Have you had to change your lifestyle? How did it go for you in regards to your friends?
_ Yes of course, and it was not easy at the beginning because we develop habits over the years, so sometimes the changes turn out to be substantial. But the hardest thing is often the gaze of others who sometimes do not always understand this or that approach, or who will judge your approach as useless, and try and discourage you by giving you the impression that you are fighting alone. But in reality, this is where you should not give up, and it is at this precise moment that you will make the difference: by looking at the horizon, when others are still only looking at the road ahead.
4) What would you say to people who want to try it too, but don’t know where to start?
_ Keep in mind that you are not alone in this fight, and that the slightest gesture has an impact: whether it goes against the protection of our natural resources, or whether it is, on the contrary, for a sustainable tomorrow”.
Thank you Chloé!
Read Centrimex’s commitments here: